About the Center

rock with welcome

Welcome to the Center for Student Mental Health and Well-being. The Center serves as the connection point for mental health and well-being at Michigan Tech, aiming to promote and advance the health and well-being of our students. We focus on four facets of the Be Well Initiative: Connect Well, Recharge Well, Live Well, and Play Well. Our services are culturally conscious, innovative, and evidence-based.

At our center, we provide individual counseling, group therapy, medication management, educational programming, and outreach events. Each semester, we may add special events or additional services in response to reported or observed needs.

The main goal of the Center is to provide students with the most effective, least intensive form of mental health support required to meet their needs. By using a stepped-care model approach, we assist students in identifying where their needs are and the best options to achieve their goals. The plan established with a counselor is subject to change as a student’s needs increase or decrease.

We believe that individual counseling is only one of many potential beneficial options, so the Center and TELUS Health use short-term, goal-oriented individual counseling to serve students. However, we understand that stressful situations or crisis situations can arise, so TELUS Health offers around the clock support through their app or by phone call, and the Center offers 30-minute walk-in appointments every weekday on a first-come, first-served basis.

When there are circumstances in which a student’s needs may lie outside the scope of care or ability of the Center, we will assist in referring a student to an outside provider. This is done with the intention of connecting students with services that will adequately meet their needs. For example, a student desiring long-term or weekly individual appointments may be referred to a community provider. Reasons for a referral may include the following:

  • History of multiple mental health hospitalizations.
  • Chronic thoughts of suicide, frequent self-injurious behaviors, or history of repeated suicide attempts that are not alleviated by the services provided by the University.
  • Evidence or risk of progressive deterioration in mental or emotional functioning that requires intensive intervention.
  • Exhibiting psychotic symptoms without a willingness to follow treatment recommendations.
  • Inability or unwillingness to provide the necessary information to thoroughly assess symptoms.
  •  A need for drug testing or court-ordered treatment that cannot adequately be provided by Michigan Tech Mental Health Services.
  • The presence of significant or long-standing eating disorder symptoms with no period of remission or that may pose a medical danger.
  •  Request for a full psychological assessment (e.g., ADHD or psychoeducational evaluations).

*Michigan Tech is a recognized JED Campus.