March 20, 2018, Vol. 24, No. 14

Snowfall Contest

Hi Kevin,

Frank Townsend, BSCE ’62 here.

Are we going to have a snowfall amount prediction contest this year?

My recollections of snowfall at MCMT are easy. Being from the Panama Canal Zone, that Nov 1958 evening was my FIRST snowfall. What a shock! My concept of snow was big fluffy flakes drifting down while White Christmas played in the background. No one had told me it was small white pellets that stung your face as the wind blew and it was SO COLD, your nose dripped and ears hurt. But I adapted much with the help of my Wadsworth comrades who taught me how to dress in layers, and after 240 inches that year– t’was fun and not that bad.


Why yes we will! Check out the link here:

If you click in the top right, there’s a link to the monthly contest as well. We’re not off to a fast start here, so this year’s totals might be a bit tough to predict. –Kevin