National and Online Recruiting and Advertising

The following list is suggested organizations, print publications, or websites where your job advertisement could be posted to best match the appropriate applicant pool. Please verify the cost before making a posting decision.
Online job posting is only one form of advertising. Print ads are another good option. The goal is to reach a wide audience and recruit as many applicants as possible. All advertising must follow the Michigan Tech Brand Guide for visual identifiers, such as how to use the logo, the color templates, and department identifiers.

All advertisements, paid and free, in print, online, and/or social media, must be sent to and approved by both Human Resources and Equal Opportunity Compliance before you advertise. Please do this by sending an email to Equal Opportunity Compliance at and to your HR Employment Representative.

All advertisements are required to contain Michigan Tech's EEO Tagline.

All jobs posted on Michigan Tech's employment website are automatically posted to the following:


Faculty members and search committee members should be able to identify people they know, or know by reputation or research, who can be contacted by email or phone as sources for potential candidates. Search committees can also use information available from professional organizations that provide details of recent graduates in the field of the posting.

General Advertising Resources

Diversity Recruitment Resources

Women Recruitment Resources

Veteran Recruitment Resources

Disability Recruitment Resources

Asian Recruitment Resources

Black Recruitment Resources

Hispanic or Latino Recruitment Resources

Native American Recruitment Resources

Department Web-Page

  • Departments Web-page - make sure you have the EEO statement on the web-page