Available Resources

Local and Campus Resources

Private Resources

The University will take care to protect the privacy of complainants and others participating in or contributing to the investigation and resolution of complaints/incidents. Only individuals with a "need to know," such as the other party(s), witnesses, and appropriate University administrators/investigators, will receive information regarding the complaint/incident. Information will only be shared with these individuals when necessary.

  • Title IX Coordinator at titleix@mtu.edu, 906-487-3310, Administration Building 310

A complainant has the option to notify law enforcement directly, or to be assisted in doing so by campus authorities. If requested, campus officials can facilitate reporting to campus or local law enforcement, but may also respect a complainant's request not to do so.

Please note that as required by law, we must notify Public Safety and Police Services when sexual violence, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, and sexual assault occurs, without providing identifying information about the incident, unless a complainant wishes that information to be shared, or an emergency required disclosure.

If you are not yet ready to make a private report, you could choose to seek confidential assistance.

Confidential Resources

Details of the incident are kept confidential.  These resources are not required to tell anyone your private, personally identifiable information unless there is a significant case for fear for your safety or the safety of others.

Confidential & Educational Resources